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Significant Security Events in the South China Sea (2022)


Author:Liu Xiaobo, Senior Research Fellow, Director of Center for Marine Studies, Grandview Institution. 

This article records the policy adjustments, official statements, bilateral and multilateral exchanges and meetings, and military exercises of the South China Sea coastal states and major countries outside the region on security issues in 2022. To objectively reflect on the development of the security situation in the South China Sea over the past year. All content is derived from publicly available information and does not involve the author's policy position.


On January 3, the Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group (CSG) operated in the western Pacific east of the Philippines. The Carl Vinson CSG included: Aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), Cruiser USS Lake Champlain (CG-57), Destroyer USS Dewey (DDG-105), USS O'Kane (DDG-77), USS Michael Murphy (DDG-112), USS Chafee (DDG-90), USS Stockdale (DDG-106).

On January 6, the German frigate Bavaria entered the South China Sea and arrived in Ho Chi Minh City for a port call.

On January 10, the Carl Vinson CSG operated in the Sulawesi Sea / Celebes Sea.

On January 12, the U.S. State Department issued the report Limits in the Seas No. 150, denying China's maritime claims in the South China Sea.

On January 13, the Carl Vinson CSG and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) conducted training activities in the South China Sea. The Essex ARG included: landing helicopter dock ship USS Essex (LHD-2), amphibious transport dock ship USS Portland (LPD-27), and amphibious dock landing ship USS Pearl Harbor (LSD-52).

On January 18, the Abraham Lincoln CSG, the Carl Vinson CSG, the America ESG, and the Essex ARG operated in the Philippine Sea. The Abraham Lincoln CSG includes the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), USS Mobile Bay (CG-53), USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62), USS Gridley (DDG-101), USS Sampson (DDG-102) and USS Spruance (DDG-109). The America Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) are USS America (LHA-6), USS Green Bay (LPD 20), and USS Ashland (LSD-48).

On January 19, the Indonesian Maritime Safety Agency plans to set up 35 early warning stations on the Indonesian archipelago to improve safety monitoring in the sea. The focus of work in 2022 is the North Natuna area.

On January 20, the USS Benfold (DDG 65) conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the Xisha Islands and illegally entered China's territorial waters. In addition, the USS Benfold (DDG 65), USS Dewey (DDG-105), and an MU-60R helicopter conducted a drill in the South China Sea the same day.

On January 22, the USS Dewey (DDG-105) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On January 23 and 24, the Abraham Lincoln CSG and the Carl Vinson CSG jointly operated in the South China Sea. It is the first time that the U.S. military has a dual aircraft carrier formation operating in the South China Sea in 2022. The America ESG and the Essex ARG were operating in the Philippine Sea.

On January 24, the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) was operating in the South China Sea. An F-35C fighter accidentally crashed into the sea while landing. Location at latitude 17°50′ north and longitude 117°36′ east.

On January 27, the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Philippine Army held the MAREX 22 P.H. joint maritime amphibious exercise in Palawan and Mindanao, and the Essex ARG participated.

From January 29 to February 1, Chinese navy reconnaissance ship 792 sailed and approached the Philippine Navy frigate Luna near the Philippines waters. The Philippines claimed that Chinese warships entered Philippine waters illegally, and China responded that it was exercising the right of innocent passage.

On January 31, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the South China Sea. In addition, the Carl Vinson CSG, the America ESG, and the Essex ARG jointly operated in the Philippine Sea.


From February 4 to 7, the United States and Japan held bilateral exercises in the East China Sea, the Philippine Sea, and the Western Pacific. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer JDS Kongō (DDG-173), a P-3C patrol aircraft, the Abraham Lincoln CSG, the America ESG, and the Essex ARG participated.

On February 10, the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) and the USNS Guadalupe (T-AO-200) conducted training and replenishment at sea in the South China Sea.

On February 10, the U.S. handed over to the Philippine military a newly built attack craft dock and maintenance facility in Ternate, as well as four Cessna 172 aircraft, which are a part of foreign military financing grants totaling $5 million.

On February 10, Indonesia and France signed an agreement to cooperate in constructing two Scorpene-class conventional submarines.

On February 12, two B-52H bombers of the U.S. Air Force took off from Guam to the South China Sea to perform the mission of Bomber Task Force and flew over Singapore for the Singapore Air Show.

On February 14, the Abraham Lincoln CSG, the America ESG, and the Essex ARG jointly operated in the Philippine Sea.

On February 24, the Abraham Lincoln CSG and the America ESG operated in the Philippine Sea.

From February 24 to 27, the JMSDF destroyer JS Hatakaze (DDG-171) and J.S. Inazuma (DD-105) docked at Tien Sa Port to visit Da Nang, Vietnam.

On February 26, the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On February 28, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.


On March 2, the Philippines Coast Guard patrol ship Malabrigo (MRRV-4402) approached the Chinese Coast Guard ship 3305 in the waters of Huangyan Island (Scarborough Shoal), and the distance between the two sides was about 20 meters.

On March 2, the U.S. Navy salvaged the F-35C fighter that fell into the sea on January 24 from a depth of 3,800 meters in the South China Sea.

On March 5, the Philippine Coast Guard stated that there were more and more Filipino fishermen on Huangyan Island (Scarborough Shoal). From February 28 to March 5, the Philippines monitored about 45 Filipino fishing boats.

From March 8 to 9, China and ASEAN countries held the 35th joint working group meeting on implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). All parties reaffirmed their commitment to the full and effective implementation of the DOC and strived to promote the consultation on the text of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC).

From March 8 to 11, the French frigate Vendémiaire visited Manila, Philippines, and invited the Philippines to conduct joint patrols in the South China Sea.

On March 11, the Philippines and Indonesia held the second preparatory meeting for the delimitation of the continental shelf and agreed on the principles and guidelines.

On March 14, the America ESG conducted the Noble Fusion Exercise in the East China Sea to practice the rapid assembly of the forward-deployed expeditionary forces of the Navy and Marine Corps at sea. The Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

From March 14 to 16, the United States, Japan, and Australia conducted a trilateral maritime joint exercise in the South China Sea. The USS Mason (DDG-87) and a P-8 patrol aircraft, the JMSDF JS Yūdachi (DD-103), the Royal Australian Navy frigate HMAS Arunta (FFH 151), and an AP-3C patrol aircraft participated. Exercises are designed to improve tactical skills and interoperability.

From March 15 to 18, JMSDF minesweepers JS Uraga and J.S. Hirado sailed through the South China Sea and arrived at Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia. The Japanese fleet carried out the Indo-Pacific and Middle East Deployment (IMED21) mission from December 12, 2021, to March 31, 2022. On December 27, it held a joint exercise in the South China Sea with the Brunei Navy's patrol boat KDB Darulehsan, and on March 22, it visited Sabah, Malaysia.

On March 17, the JMSDF destroyer JS Kirisame (DD-104) and the French frigate Vendémiaire held a joint exercise in the East China Sea.

On March 17, the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

From March 19 to April 1, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom held the 2022 Bersama Shield annual joint naval and air exercise in the South China Sea. The exercise is conducted within the Five Power Defense Agreement framework and includes anti-piracy operations, disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance.

On March 21, Vietnam and Malaysia issued a joint statement reaffirming the importance of maintaining peace, security, stability, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, emphasizing the promotion of practical and substantive negotiations on the COC. The Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea

On March 22, Indonesia commissioned two domestic fast patrol ships, Dorang-874 and Bawal-875, with a length of 60 meters, a displacement of 440-520 tons, a maximum speed of 24 knots, and a 40mm main gun.

On March 25, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) arrived in Manila, Philippines, for a port call. Before that, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and the USS Miguel Keith (ESB-5) were jointly operating in the South China Sea.

On March 28, the defense ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines held a trilateral cooperation meeting. All parties reaffirmed the possibility of expanding trilateral maritime and air patrols in the Sulu Sea.

From March 28 to April 8, the U.S. and Philippine militaries held the annual Balicatan 2022 exercise in Luzon, Palawan, the South China Sea, and the Sulu Sea. 3,800 members of the Philippine Army and 5,100 members of the U.S. Army participated in the exercise, including the Abraham Lincoln CSG and the Miguel Keith expeditionary support base ship. The training focuses on maritime security, amphibious operations, live-fire training, urban operations, aviation Combat, Counter Terrorism, Humanitarian Aid, and Disaster Relief.

On March 29, the Prime Minister of Singapore visited the United States. The United States and Singapore issued a joint statement reaffirming the freedom of navigation and overflight endowed by international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and supporting the formulation of an effective, substantive, and safeguarding policy under the leadership of ASEAN. Party's legitimate rights and interests, in line with the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.


On April 3, The Philippine Marine Corps' launched the first Shore-Based Anti-Ship Missile Battalion. The anti-ship missile system will be purchased from Brahmos Aerospace, a joint venture between India and Russia, and will be delivered next year.

On April 4, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that more than 100 Chinese fishing boats entered the Nansha Islands to operate in the Oxbow reef / Whitsun Reef and its surrounding waters.

On April 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Philippine President Duterte held a video conference. The two sides emphasized the need to make every effort to maintain peace, security, and stability in the South China Sea by exercising restraint, de-escalating tensions, and developing a mutually agreed functional framework for cooperation.

From April 8 to 18, the Japanese J.S. Inazuma (DD-105) and the Abraham Lincoln CSG held bilateral joint exercises in the Sea of Japan, the East China Sea, and the Western Pacific.

On April 9, The United States handed over to the Philippine Marine Corps a newly constructed attack craft maintenance facility in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, as part of a project of foreign military financing. The United States provided more than $300 million in aid through foreign military financing.

From April 12 to 14, the USS Momsen (DDG 92) and the Indonesian frigate KRI Bung Tomo conducted bilateral joint maritime operations in the South China Sea.

On April 19, the Abraham Lincoln CSG conducted joint training with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force in the Philippine Sea and the East China Sea.

From April 19 to 21, Chinese Coast Guard Ships 4303 and 4202 and Vietnam Coast Guard Ships 8004 and 8003 will carry out the first joint cruise in the Beibu Gulf in 2022 to maintain the order of offshore production operations. In addition, the two sides also organized a joint search and rescue exercise. It is the 23rd joint cruise conducted by the two sides since 2006.

On April 26, the USS Sampson (DDG 102) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.


From May 1 to August 16, China implemented a fishing moratorium in the South China Sea this year, covering waters north of latitude 12 degrees, including the Beibu Gulf and the Xisha Islands.

On May 2, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On May 6, the first multi-purpose response ship BRP Teresa Magbanua (MRRV-9701), built by Japan for the Philippine Coast Guard, entered service. The boat is 97 meters long, has a maximum speed of 24 knots, and a range of 4,000 nautical miles. A second ship, the Aquino, arrives in the Philippines next month.

On May 9, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea. The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) operated off the coast of Japan.

On May 10, the USS Port Royal (CG-73) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On May 11, foreign media reported that the Sansha No. 2 transport and supply ship and the Sansha Comprehensive Law Enforcement No. 1 from Sansha City, China, arrived at the Nansha Islands for cruises. Usually, they will sail to the Zengmu Shoal / James Shoal during the annual cruise of the Nansha Islands in July every year.

On May 12, the United States White House announced the implementation of the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Maritime Pillar Outlook regional maritime initiative. It provided $60 million, which the U.S. Coast Guard will lead.

On May 16, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On May 23, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG included USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), USS Chancellorsville (CG-62), and USS Antietam (CG-54).

From May 25 to 27, China and ASEAN countries held the 36th joint working group meeting on implementing the DOC. As a result, all parties agreed to continue fully and effectively implementing the DOC and actively promote consultations on the COC.

On May 26, an Australian P-8 maritime patrol aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight in the South China Sea and approached the airspace of China's Xisha Islands. The Australian side stated that a P-8 deployed at the Clark base in the Philippines was intercepted by a Chinese J-16 fighter jet while patrolling the South China Sea. The J-16 releases chaff. Some are sucked into the P-8's engine.


On June 2, the Ronald Reagan CSG and the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea and operated dual aircraft carrier coordinated operations.

On June 5, the Australian frigate HMAS Parramatta (FFH 154) arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam, for a port call and carried out regional presence deployment. Australian media claimed that HMAS Parramatta was closely followed by Chinese warships in the South China Sea and the East China Sea and was warned that she was in China's territorial waters and asked to leave.

On June 19, the U.S. Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy arrived in Phu An, Vietnam, to implement the 2022 Pacific Partnership operation and carry out medical activities.

On June 23, the Abraham Lincoln CSG operated in the Philippine Sea. Previously, the Abraham Lincoln CSG and USS Tripoli (LHA-7) participated in the Valian Shield joint exercise in the Western Pacific.

From June 22 to 23, the Chinese and Vietnamese navies held the 32nd joint patrol in the Beibu Gulf. Both sides sent two ships to patrol along the Sino-Vietnamese maritime demarcation line in the Beibu Gulf. The two sides also organized joint search and rescue and light signals drills. The two countries signed the Sino-Vietnamese Navy Joint Patrol Agreement in the Beibu Gulf in 2005.

On June 24, a U.S. Navy P-8A plane flew across the Taiwan Strait. China's air and maritime forces have monitored and alerted U.S. aircraft throughout its operations.

On June 27, the Philippines claimed that its scientific research ship M/V DA BFAR arrived at the landing ship Sierra Madre (illegally stranded on the Ren'ai Reef of China's Nansha Islands) to carry out replenishment but was intercepted by the Chinese coast guard ship 5304.

On June 27, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the Philippine Sea.

From June 28 to 29, the Chinese Taiwan authorities conducted a live-fire exercise near Taiping Island in the Nansha Islands.


From July 6 to 7, the Philippines and Indonesia held the first special meeting of the Joint Permanent Working Group on Maritime Issues on Continental Shelf Delimitation, which determined the scope and method of delimitation and other technical issues.

On July 7, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the Philippine Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG operated near Guam in the Western Pacific.

On July 11, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated near the Philippines in the South China Sea.

On July 12, the US State Department issued a statement in support of the so-called South China Sea Arbitration Case. It reiterated that armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea would trigger the US commitment under Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.

On July 13, the USS Benfold (DDG-65) entered the waters near the Xisha Islands to conduct a freedom of navigation operation and illegally entered China's territorial waters in the Xisha Islands. The Ronald Reagan CSG entered the South China Sea from the Philippine Sea through the Balabak Strait.

On July 16, the USS Benfold (DDG-65) entered the waters adjacent to the Nansha Islands to conduct a freedom of navigation operation.

On July 18, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the South China Sea. The USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the Philippine Sea.

On July 19, the USS Benfold (DDG-65) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On July 25, the Ronald Reagan CSG visited the port of Singapore. In addition, a US Air Force RC-135V reconnaissance plane took off from Okinawa to conduct reconnaissance activities in the South China Sea.

On July 26, China and ASEAN countries held the sixth special video conference on implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. The parties exchanged views on practical maritime cooperation and the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

From July 26 to August 1, the Ronald Reagan CSG departed from Singapore, crossed the South China Sea, and entered the Philippine Sea.

On July 27, a US Air Force RC-135V reconnaissance plane took off from Darwin, Australia, and entered the South China Sea through the waters of the Philippine archipelago. It carried out a 4-hour reconnaissance flight and flew over the airspace of the Nansha Islands.


From August 1 to 15, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On August 2, the Western Command of the Philippines stated that it had resupplied the troops on board the tank landing ship Serene Madre (illegally stranded on the Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands).

On August 6, the US Secretary of State Blinken visited the Philippines. He assured Philippine President Marcos that the United States would fulfill its commitment to the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty.

From August 14 to 20, the Japan Coast Guard provided law enforcement capacity-building assistance to Vietnam Coast Guard personnel. In addition to maritime law enforcement lectures, it will hold a tabletop exercise and onboard practical training.

On August 16, the US government donated $54,000 worth of maritime tactical and first aid equipment to the Philippine Coast Guard.

On August 16, the maritime forces of 21 Indo-Pacific partner countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, held the 21st Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) maritime joint exercise in Singapore.

On August 21, the Philippine Coast Guard built a school on Thitu Island (which illegally occupied China's Nansha Islands). The Philippines opened a primary school on Thitu Island in 2012 and is currently converting it into a comprehensive school.

On August 22, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the Philippine Sea and entered the South China Sea.

On August 23, the United States donated equipment worth $196,000 to the Philippine Coast Guard to improve maritime law enforcement capabilities.

On August 28, the cruisers USS Antietam (CG-54) and USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) jointly conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On August 29, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the South China Sea. The amphibious assault ship USS America operated in the Philippine Sea.

From August 29 to September 3, the Malaysian Navy and the Indonesian Navy held the Malindo Jaya 26AB/22 joint maritime exercise in Surabaya.

On August 30, the US Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WMSL-757) arrived at the port of Manila for a port call.

From August 30 to September 7, the United States, Japan, and Canada held the Noble Raven 22 joint exercise (NOBLE RAVEN 22) from the South China Sea to Guam. The JMSDF Helicopter Carrier JS Izumo (DDH-183) and the destroyer JS Takanami (DD-110) of the 2022 Indo-Pacific deployment force, the USS Higgins (DDG 76), the supply ship USNS Rappahannock (T-AO-204) and the USNS John Ericsson (T-AO-194), Canada frigate HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331) participated.

From August 31 to September 8, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) arrived in Singapore for a port call.


From September 4 to 6, the US Coast Guard Midgett (WMSL-757) and the Philippine Coast Guard patrol ships BRP Gabriela Silang (OPV-8301) and BRP Melchora Aquino (MRRV-9702) conducted a joint search, and rescue exercise in the waters of Bataan Island in the South China Sea.

On September 8, the USS America (LHA-6) operated in the Philippine Sea.

On September 9, the Philippine Coast Guard participated in the Command Post Exercise held at the Multinational Operations and Exercise Center at Singapore's Changi Naval Base. It is part of the Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) exercise in 2022.

From September 9 to 16, the United States and Indonesia held the Exercise Gema Bhakti 22 joint staff exercise in Jakarta to improve the command and control capabilities of the joint force.

On September 12, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On September 14th and 16th, a US Air Force RC-135U reconnaissance plane conducted reconnaissance flights near the Taiwan Strait in the northern part of the South China Sea.

On September 18, the USS Higgins (DDG 76) and the Canadian frigate HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331) ended their exercises in the South China Sea. Instead, the two sides practiced maritime operations, anti-submarine operations, air combat operations, and sea maneuvers.

On September 19, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On September 20, the USS Higgins (DDG 76) and the Canada frigate HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331) conducted Taiwan Strait transit together.

From September 21 to 23, Japan and Canada held bilateral maritime exercises near Malaysia and Singapore. The participating troops include the JMSDF Helicopter Carrier JS Izumo (DDH-183) and the destroyer JS Takanami (DD-110) of the 2022 Indo-Pacific deployment force, and Canada frigate HMCS Winnipeg (FFH 338).

On September 22, Malaysia released 37 Vietnamese fishermen it had previously captured, but five days later, Malaysia arrested 19 fishermen from two Vietnamese boats in its claimed exclusive economic zone.

From September 23 to October 1, the United States, Canada, and Japan held joint military exercises in the South China Sea. The exercise was led by Japan and included maritime operations, anti-submarine warfare, and air combat operations. The JMSDF JS Izumo (DDH-183) and JS Takanami (DD-110), USS Higgins (DDG 76) and USNS Rappahannock (T-AO-204), Canada HMCS Winnipeg (FFH 338) and HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331) participated.

On September 26, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the South China Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG sails in the East China Sea.

From September 26 to 27, Vietnam and Indonesia held the 15th Technical Meeting on Determining the Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary.


From October 1 to 3, the China-ASEAN Joint Working Group held the 37th meeting on the implementation of the DOC in Cambodia. The two sides recognize the importance of peace, security, stability, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. Therefore, they hope to complete the second review of the single negotiating text draft of the COC as soon as possible and to adopt a substantive and practical COC.

On October 3, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the South China Sea and visited the Port of Manila last week.

From October 3 to 14, the United States and the Philippines held the Sea Warriors Cooperation 6 (Kamandag) bilateral large-scale joint exercise, which was held on the islands of Palawan and Luzon in the Philippines. Japan and South Korea participated as observers for the first time. 2,550 U.S. Marines and 630 Philippine Navy personnel participated. In addition, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) participated in an exercise in the South China Sea.

From October 4 to 8, the United States, Japan, Australia, and Canada held the Noble Raven 22-2 multilateral joint exercise in the South China Sea. USS Milius (DDG 69) and USS Higgins (DDG 76), JMSDF 2022 Indo-Pacific deployment force JS Izumo (DDH-183), destroyer JS Kirisame (DD-104), Oyashio-class submarine, Australian HMAS Hobart (D 39), HMAS Arunta (FFH 151), HMS Valiant, and Canadian frigate HMS Winnipeg participated.

On October 5, the Philippines and Indonesia signed a Guidance on Principles document to provide guidance and lay the foundation for the demarcation of the continental shelf boundary between the two countries.

On October 6, the Philippines stated that it would supply the tank landing ship Serene Madre for the 10th time in 2022 (which was illegally stranded on the Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands).

From October 7 to 17, the United States, Japan, Canada, and Australia held a four-nation joint exercise in the South China Sea. The USS Milius (DDG 69) and USS Higgins (DDG 76), JMSDF JS Kirisame (DD-104), Australian HMAS Hobart (D 39) and HMAS Stalwart (A304), Canadian HMCS Winnipeg (FFH 338) participated.

From October 11 to 18, ships and planes from the United States, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and France held a multinational naval and air exercise in the Sulu Sea. The exercise included search and rescue and humanitarian disaster relief operations.

From October 13 to 17, the USS Tripoli (LHA-7) operated in the South China Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Western Pacific near the Philippines.

On October 13, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held the second round of consultations on negotiating and signing a new Beibu Gulf fishery cooperation agreement. The two sides agreed to sign a new cooperation agreement as soon as possible. The two sides held the first round of consultations on December 15, 2021.

From October 15 to 18, the Ronald Reagan CSG visited the port of Manila.

On October 18, ASEAN Secretary-General Lin Yuhui stated that ASEAN and China have completed the first review of the single-text consultation draft of the COC and are starting the second round of review, hoping to make rapid progress.

From October 19 to 21, the United States and Japan held the Noble Fusion bilateral joint exercise in the South China Sea. The JMSDF JS Kirisame (DD-104) and USS Oakland (LCS-24) participated.

On October 23, the Japan Coast Guard dispatched personnel from the Coast Guard Mobile Team to the Philippines to join forces with the US Coast Guard to support and enhance the Philippine Coast Guard's capabilities.

On October 24, the United States, Japan, and Canada conducted a trilateral joint exercise in the Philippine Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG, the USS New Orleans (LPD-18), the JMSDF JS Kirisame (DD-104), Canadian HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331), and HMCS Winnipeg (FFH 338) participated.

On October 28, the China-Taiwan Coast Guard launched a sea rescue exercise near Taiping Island in the Nansha Islands. Taiwan has pledged to turn Taiping Island into a base for humanitarian aid and supplies in the South China Sea. In addition, the Japanese Coast Guard and the US Coast Guard used a 97-meter large patrol ship provided by Japan to the Philippines to train the Philippine coast guard in Manila Bay. It is the second joint training after a similar exercise was held in June this year.

On October 31, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Western Pacific near the Philippines.

In October, the Australian HMAS Hobart (DDG 39) and HMAS Stalwart (A304) sailed through the Nansha Islands. Australia claimed that the Chinese military closely followed them.


On November 1, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam visited China, and China and Vietnam issued a joint statement. The two sides agreed to continue to promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the DOC and reach an early conclusion of an effective COC which is full of substance and in line with international law. Two sides will manage and control maritime differences well and refrain from resorting to compromising the situation. Actions to complicate and expand disputes, maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, and promote maritime cooperation.

From November 3 to 5, Chinese Coast Guard Ships 4304 and 4302 and Vietnam Coast Guard Ships 8004 and 8003 carried out the second joint cruise in the Beibu Gulf in 2022. The two sides cruised along the border line of the Beibu Gulf between China and Vietnam and conducted maritime search and rescue drills. It is the 24th joint patrol by Chinese and Vietnamese maritime law enforcement agencies since 2006.

On November 5, the USS Benfold (DDG-65) conducted Taiwan Strait transit.

On November 7, a B-1B bomber of the US Air Force took off from Guam for activities in the South China Sea. The Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Western Pacific.

November 10 The United States donated medical and diving equipment to the Philippine Coast Guard and conducted training for the Philippine Coast Guard to support search and rescue and maritime law enforcement operations in Palawan.

From November 10 to 18, the Chinese Navy hospital ship Peace Ark sailed through the South China Sea. It arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia, to provide medical services and carry out the Harmonious Mission-2022 mission.

On November 11, the 25th China-ASEAN Leaders' Meeting issued the Joint Statement Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the DOC, emphasizing the full and effective implementation of the DOC and actively promoting the consultation on the COC.

From November 8 to 12, the QUAD member countries of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India held the 2022 Malabar exercise. Exercises were held off the coast of Japan and in the Philippine Sea.

On November 14, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On November 15, During the G20 summit, the United States announced new initiatives to help Indonesia improve its coast guard capacity building, support Indonesia's maritime surveillance drone program, and improve Indonesia's capabilities in maritime domain awareness, maritime law enforcement, and combating illegal fishing.

On November 17, the Vietnam Foreign Affairs University held the 14th International Conference on East Sea (South China Sea) Issues in Da Nang. The background of this year's conference is the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 20th anniversary of the signing of the DOC.

On November 21, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On November 22, US Vice President Harris visited Palawan Island of the Philippines, emphasizing the strengthening of bilateral defense cooperation between the US and the Philippines, saying that the US would provide $7.5 million in additional aid to improve the capabilities of Philippine maritime law enforcement agencies.

From November 22 to 23, the 2022 ASEAN Coast Guard and Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies Meeting were held in Bali, Indonesia. The ASEAN Coast Guard Declaration was signed, promising to strengthen maritime police cooperation in maintaining regional maritime security and maritime safety.

From November 24 to 25, the Chinese and Vietnamese navies held the 33rd joint patrol in the Beibu Gulf. The joint patrol fleet of the two sides patrolled along the China-Vietnam maritime demarcation line in the Beibu Gulf. The two sides also organized joint search and rescue and light signal drills. The two countries signed the Sino-Vietnamese Navy Joint Patrol Agreement in the Beibu Gulf in 2005.

On November 25, the Philippines claimed a Philippine Navy ship was forcibly seized by a Chinese Coast Guard ship after salvaging rocket wreckage near Thitu Island in the Spratly Islands. However, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Philippine side handed over the floating object to the Chinese side on the spot after friendly consultations between the two sides.

On November 26, the JMSDF JS Harusame (DD-102) and the Philippine corvette BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) held a joint exercise near Subic in the South China Sea.

On November 28, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea. The Makin Island ARG operated in the waters of the western Pacific Ocean.

On November 28, the Philippines commissioned the first two of nine Fast Attack Missile Boats (FAIC-Ms) purchased from Israel. These ships have a displacement of 95 tons, a maximum speed of 40 knots, and a range of 1,000 nautical miles. Four of them are equipped with missiles with a range of 25 kilometers.

On November 29, the USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the Nansha Islands (Yongshu Reef). However, without the Chinese government's approval, it illegally enters the waters adjacent to China's Nansha Islands and reefs. And be warned to leave. Afterward, the USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) continued to operate in the South China Sea.


From December 4 to 5, the Philippines conducted the fourth GOPLAT 2022 exercise in the eastern part of the Nansha Islands to exercise and protect the Malampaya natural gas power generation project platform.

On December 5, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea. The Makin Island ARG operated in the waters of the Western Pacific Ocean. The Philippines and South Korea held talks on naval cooperation, including a submarine training program. As a result, the Philippine Navy orders two frigates and six offshore patrol vessels from South Korea and plans to buy two diesel-electric attack submarines.

From December 7 to 21, the US and Indonesian navies held the CARAT joint exercise Cooperation in Maritime Combat Readiness and Training in the Java Sea. The Makin Island ARG participated with the Indonesian Navy and Marine Corps.

On December 12, the Ronald Reagan CSG operated in the Philippine Sea.

On December 16, the USS USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) returned to its home port in Yokosuka, Japan, and spent 186 days in the Western Pacific, including the South China Sea, throughout the year. In addition, the Nimitz CSG entered the Western Pacific region for activities.

On December 17, the Philippines stated that it had supplied the tank landing ship Serene Madre for the 11th time in 2022 (which was illegally stranded on the Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands).

On December 18, the Thai Navy frigate HTMS Sukhothai (FS-442) sank in the Gulf of Thailand in the western part of the South China Sea.

On December 19, the United States White House issued a statement supporting the Philippines in the South China Sea, supporting the so-called 2016 South China Sea Arbitration Award.

On December 21, An US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance plane entered the South China Sea. The US claimed that a Chinese Navy J-11 fighter flew about six meters from the US plane. Each side accused the other of making dangerous moves that led to a dangerous approach.

On December 22, the Vietnamese President and the Indonesian President announced that the two countries had concluded the 12-year negotiation on the demarcation of the exclusive economic zone.

On December, the Chinese navy aircraft carrier Liaoning formation operated in the Philippine Sea and the West Pacific.


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