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Transformative Scenario Planning Workshop on "Global Peace and Prosperity and the Role of U.S.-China Relations", co-organized by Grandview Institution and PAX Sapiens in Thailand





From July 16th to 20th, 2023, Grandview Institution, together with the U.S. foundation Pax sapiens and the international consulting organization Reos Partners, organized a workshop on "Global Peace and Prosperity and the Role of U.S.-China Relations: Transformative Scenario Planning Process to Generate New Policy Options". The workshop was held in Saket Khamsong Province, Thailand.


A total of 25 guests, including former senior officials of the U.S. National Security Council, former analyst of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, former officials of the Department of Defense, think tank scholars, former diplomats stationed in China, and scholars and retired military officers from Chinese universities and research institutes participated in the meeting.


The workshop used the Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) process to build a series of plausible and credible ideas about the U.S.-China relationship over the long term, forming a shared, systematic, long-term framework and narrative.


At present, the world is facing an unprecedented change in a century. China-U.S. relations are encountering more and more challenges, and in danger of being led further astray. Whether we can handle our relationship well is the big question of the century that both China and the United States must answer.


To further expand the space of communication between Chinese and American experts, Grandview Institution, together with PAX sapiens and Reos Partners, has organized experts from China and the United States to work out the scenarios without predetermining the outcome, with the aims to identify and avoid conflicts, and to contribute to the promotion of peace and prosperity between the two countries and of the world, by setting up a platform for an open, free, and high-level exchange. This interactive approach is a brand new try to explore communication and cooperation channels between China and the U.S...